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Terms and Conditions
Website Designz Terms and Conditions
1. Meet in person or by tele-conference to see what your business plans are and what you need.
2. After we are in agreement, we will invoice you by PayPal.
3. We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash App and Zelle.
4. Website will be built on the WIX platform. We will let you know when to purchase the domain and WIX hosting plan. They will not be needed until the website is almost complete so don't worry about it right now. Get with me regarding the hosting, because WIX usually gives a 50% discount to new customers if they purchase the annual plan. They also have a monthly plan but it is high so if you can afford it, the annual plan is the most economical.
5. Website will be completed within 10-14 days as long we get the necessary photos and information in a timely manner. If we are using an email you already have for your existing business, it is best to keep your Google business profile and Google search on your business email. If you ever want to update or delete your business profile, it will have to be done with the same email that created it. email. NOTE: ONLY that email will be able to update this info unless you give authorization to someone else. WIX, Manta, Google Search, and Google Maps will request codes to your phone number for verification. This is a must in order to set your business up. That keeps all of your business information using the same email. Codes may also be needed when we get down to the SEO.
6. Client will be updated on the progress of the project every two days and will have the chance to make any changes. Website must be completed, paid in full and published within 2 months of the start date.
7. After completion of the website and I have your final approval, you will get 3 minor revisions free of charge. An example would be adding a new phone number or changing a photo on the website. Must be in written form and emailed to me.
Please call and let me know you submitted a change.
After you use the three revisions, it will be $25 an hour unless you have the website and seo program.
8. After your website and all extras are paid in full, the website ownership will be transferred to you by an email. It is a form that you have to fill out online. You will have 3 days to complete the transfer before the email becomes invalid. It can be completed again but must be done on the second cycle. The website MUST be transferred to you and you take possession which only means you will be marked the owner.
9. IMPORTANT Client acknowledges that if they do NOT subscribe to an SEO program, their website will NOT rank on the search engines and will NOT be found! Indexing is usually immediate, but ranking is what gets you found and it can take up to 6 months.
As long as you own your website, you should always subscribe to a SEO plan which will get you the best ranking and leave your competition in the dust.
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